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尾巨桉Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis人工林在我国南方占有重要的比重,但其经营质量高低尚无一个量化的评价模型。为了促进尾巨桉人工林种植产业可持续发展,研究基于层次分析法的原理并利用YAAHP软件,选取森林结构、生长量、土壤肥力和群落稳定性4个一级指标和胸径、树高、郁闭度等17个二级指标构建了尾巨桉经营质量等级综合评价模型。在佛山市云勇林场7年生尾巨桉人工林中根据抚育程度由小到大顺序选择A、B、C 3块林地各设置2个样方,应用该体系对其经营质量进行分析与评价。结果表明:(1)尾巨桉林地权重大小顺序为B>C>A,说明了尾巨桉各林地经营质量等级,其中B林地为优,C林地次之,A林地较差;(2)质量综合评价值Q值大小顺序为:B>C>A,说明抚育程度中等的林地质量最好,其次为抚育程度较高的林地,抚育程度最低的较差;且B林地质量评价为良,C林地和A林地质量评价均为中等;(3)一致性检验的CR值为0.003 5,远小于规定的阈值0.1。基于林地权重、综合评价值和一致性检验值,综合各林地实际质量情况,验证该评价体系合理。
关键词:   尾巨桉人工林;经营质量等级评价;层次分析法
Construction and Application of Evaluation System for Management Quality of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis Plantation
Li Na1, XUAN Zuying2, ZHENG Xiaozhong1, LIN Wei3, 11, 14, 15, 11
1.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;2.Foshan Forestry Research Institute;3.Forestry Research Institute;4.Maintenance Center for Yunyong Ecological of Foshan City,;5.Guangdong Academy of Forestry/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization,
Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis plantation plays a significant part in plantation industry in south China. However, there is no quantitative evaluation model for its management quality.In order to better achieve sustainable development of eucalyptus plantation industry ,based on the principle of analytic hierarchy process,this study uses YAAHP software to build a rating system to evalutate the quality of E. urophylla × E. grandis management with 4 first-level indicators :forest structure, growth, soil fertility, community stability and 17 secondary indicators such as diameter, height, crown density and so on. In Yunyong Forest Farm of Foshancity, A, B, and C3 forest blocks were selected to set 2 plots in each plot according to the growing degree of the 7-year-old E.urophylla × E. grandis plantation, and the management quality was analyzed and evaluated by using this system.The results showed that: (1) The weight of the forest land in orders come to B, C and A. It means that land B get highest grade in E. urophylla × E. grandis management quality while land C in the middle and A the lowest. (2) The evaluation order of Q value of comprehensive quality come to B,C and A. It indicates that E. urophylla × E. grandis plantation land with medium tending mesure performs the best quality, land with high tending measure perform not so good , and land with the lowest tending degree is worst; The quality evaluation of forest B was above average, and the quality evaluation of forest C and forest A was medium. (3) The CR value of consistency test was 0.003 5, far less than the specified threshold of 0.1. Based on the comprehensive evaluation value of forest weight and consistency test value, the evaluation system was verified to be reasonable, which could provide an effective evaluation model for the management quality grade evaluation of E. urophylla × E. grandis plantation in southern China.
Key words:   plantation of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis; management quality grade evaluation; analytic hierarchy process