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古文强1, 梁燕飞1, 陈进1, 邓智文2, 温汉华1, 吴惠兰1, 陈国锋1, 张中瑞2
关键词:   润楠属;群落结构;物种多样性;海拔
Diversity of Machilus Plant Communities in Yinpingshan Forest Park
Gu Wenqiang1, Liang Yanfei1, Chen Jin1, Deng Zhiwen2, Wen Hanhua1, WU Huilan1, Chen Guofeng1, Zhang Zhongrui2
1.Dongguan Yinpingshan Forest Park,Dongguan;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry/ Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture Protection and Utilizationy,Guangzhou
With the aim of revealing the community composition, species diversity and relationship with elevation factors of the Machilus in Yinpingshan Forest Park, we calculated the species richness index, Simpson dominance index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou evenness index for the tree, shrub and herbaceous layers of the community in 12 sample plots at different elevations in the forest park, and analysed the correlation between community species diversity and elevation. The results showed that there were 70 species of plants belonging to 41 families and 58 genera in the community of Machilus in Yinpingshan Mountain. The species richness index (S), Simpson dominance index (D) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H"") of each plant community showed that shrub layer > herb layer > tree layer, and the Pielou evenness index (E) showed that herb layer > shrub layer > tree layer. The diversity of plant species in the tree layer of different communities showed a single-peaked pattern of increasing and then decreasing along the elevation gradient, and the species richness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the shrub layer and herb layer showed a gradual decrease with increasing elevation; Simpson dominance index and Pielou evenness index showed no obvious pattern.
Key words:   Machilus genus; community structure; species diversity; elevation