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张冬生[,] 陈东升[,] 刘惠娜[,] 罗万业[
梅州市林业科学研究所,嘉应学院生命科学院 广东梅州,嘉应学院生命科学院 广东梅州,梅州市林业科学研究所
采用砂培的方法研究不同形态氮素比例(NO3--N/NH4 -N为:100/0,75/25,50/50,25/75,0/100)对枳椇(Hovenia acerba Lindl)幼苗生长的影响,结果表明:随着硝态氮比例的增加,枳椇的株高、茎粗,侧枝数以及生物量呈上升趋势,其中硝铵比为100/0与75/25处理的株高与茎粗显著高于其他处理,两者之间差异不显著,75/25处理的侧枝数与全株生物量显著高于其他处理;硝铵比为75/25和50/50处理的中位叶面积最大,0/100处理中位叶面积最小,叶尖枯萎卷曲;硝铵比为0/100与100/0处理的叶绿素a及叶绿素b含量显著高于其它处理,50/50的叶绿素b含量显著低于其它处理;100/0,75/25与0/100处理的叶可溶性糖含量显著高于与其它处理;100/0与75/25的叶含氮量极显著低于其他处理,50/50的茎含氮量极显著低于其他处理,100/0与25/75的根含氮量显著低于其他处理,0/100处理的枳椇各器官的含氮量极显著高于其他处理,但该处理的植株矮小,根系有腐烂现象,75/25的根含氮量仅次与0/100处理。综上所述,硝铵比为75/25最适于枳椇生长。
关键词:   枳椇;氮素形态;生长量;可溶性糖;全氮
The Effect of Nitrate to Ammonium Nitrogen Ratio on the Growth of Hovenia acerba Seedlings
Zhang Dong-sheng[,] Chen Dong-sheng[,] Liu Hui-na[ and ] Luo Wanye[
Meizhou Forestry Science Research Institute,Meizhou,School of Life Sciences,Jiaying University,Meizhou,School of Life Sciences,Jiaying University,Meizhou,Meizhou Forestry Science Research Institute,Meizhou
The effect of different nitrogen source ratios, which the ratio of NO3--N to NH4 -N were 100 : 0, 75 : 25, 50 : 50, 25 : 75 and 0 : 100, on the seedling growth of Hovenia acerba were studied by sand culture method. The results indicated that with the increase of nitrate nitrogen ratio, the plant height, stem diameter, branch number and biomass of the H. acerba were ascending. The plant height and stem diameter with the ratios of NO 3 --N to NH 4 -N equal to 100 : 0 and 75 : 25, as well as branch number and whole plant biomass with ration of, 75 : 25 were significantly higher than other treatments. With the ratios equal to 75 : 25 and 50 : 50, the median leaf area were the highest. While median leaf area was the smallest with the ratio of 0 : 100, and the leaf apex withered and curled. The content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the treatment with ratio of 50 : 50 were significantly lower than those in other treatments. The soluble sugar content in leaves treated with ratio of 100 : 0, 75 : 25 and 0 : 100 increased significantly. The leaf nitrogen contents with raitio of 75 : 25 and 100 : 0 were significantly lower than those of other treatments. The nitrogen content of the stem with ratio of 50 : 50was the lowest, and the nitrogen content with ratio of 75 : 25 root was significantly lower than that of 0 : 100. However, the difference with other treatments was not significant. The nitrogen content with ratio of 0 : 100 was significantly higher than that of other treatments, showing the short plants and decaying roots. It can be seen that nitrogen source and proportion significantly affect the growth of H. acerba, single ammonium nitrogen is unfavorable to the growth of H. acerba, and the ratio of NO3--N to NH4 -N equal to 75 : 25 is more suitable for the growth of H. acerba.
Key words:   Hovenia acerba; nitrogen form; biomass; soluble sugar; total nitrogen