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以扁桃(Mangifera persiciformis)裸根苗为试验材料,选用“根盼”、 2 种自配生根剂、“根太 阳”、“根司令”和“速生根”共 6 种生根剂进行根部处理,通过测定扁桃生根数、每株生根苗的生根数、 根长和根直径,计算生根率、增长率,分析评价不同生根剂对扁桃生根的效果。结果表明:处理 20 d 后, “根盼”生根剂 250 mg/L 浸泡 2 h、“根太阳”生根剂 10 mg/L 浸泡 2 h、“根太阳”生根剂 20 mg/L 浸泡 2 h 和自配生根剂一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 处理的扁桃苗生根率都达到了 100%;平均生根数以自配生根剂 一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 最好,为 37 根;根长以“根盼”生根剂 250 mg/L 浸泡 2 h 最好,为 4.38 cm;根 直径以自配生根剂一 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 最好,为 1.27 mm。模糊综合评价结果表明,自配生根剂一 SP 1 000 mg/L 速蘸 10 s 促生根效果最好。
关键词:   扁桃;生根剂;生根
基金项目:南宁市科技攻关项目“南宁市市树扁桃全冠移植关键技术研究”(20152056)第一作者:陆炎松(1992-),女,科研员,主要从事园林植物研究与应用,E-mail:295493459@qq.com。通讯作者:黄旭光(1978-),男,高级工程师,主要从事城市园林绿化科研工作,E-mail: 13677883399@163.com。 ,南宁 530011;南宁市绿化工程管理处2,南宁 530011)
Research on Rooting Effect of Different Rooting Agents on Mangifera persiciformis
LUYANSONG,HUANGXUGUANG,luoenbo,liaotanggui,luqian,QIN Ling,zhonglianxiang and yipinwang
Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office,Nanning Green Project Management Office
With bare root seedlings as the experimental materials of Mangifera persiciformis, used 6 rooting agents including Genpan, autogamy rooting agent 1, autogamy rooting agent 2, Gentaiyang, Gensilin and Sushenggen to treat them. The rooting rate and growth rate were calculated based on the number of rooting, root number, average root length and average root diameter in order to analyze the influence of different rooting agents on M. persiciformis. The results were as follows: Treated after 20 d, soak the seedlings under Genpan(250 mg/L) , Gentaiyang(10 mg/L) , Gentaiyang(20 mg/L ) for 2 h , and autogamy rooting agent 1(1 000 mg/L) was dipped for 10 s, which had the best rooting rate (about 100 per cent); dip the seedlings under autogamy rooting agent 1(1 000 mg/L) for 10 s, and the root number of 37 was considered the best; soak the seedlings under Genpan(250 mg/L) for 2 h, and the root length of 4.38 cm was considered the best; dip the seedlings under autogamy rooting agent 1(1 000 mg/L) for 10 s, and the root diameter of 1.27 mm was considered the best. Principal component analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results showed that autogamy rooting agent 1(1 000 mg/L) dipped for 10 s was best.
Key words:   Mangifera persiciformis; rooting agent ; rooting